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The congregation of Christ Church is drawn from both the United Reformed and Methodist traditions of the Christian Church.

Christ Church has sought to incorporate the best features of both its parent denominations since it came together in 1982.

Our Mission Statement

  • To respond to God's love in Jesus Christ and, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to share the reality of that love
  • To spread the knowledge of God's love as revealed through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and to worship Him through prayer and celebration.
  • To welcome, nurture and support all who seek to know more of His love.
  • To give and receive encouragement within the church family in the use of talents and graces in worship and in service to the church and the community, in a spirit of Christian love and fellowship.
  • To be partners with others in the wider world, to promote justice and to show care and responsibility for all God's creation.
© 2024 – Berkshire and Hampshire Borders