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Who We Are & Want to Be

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How can the Circuit help you and how can you use your gifts across the Circuit?

We belong to God. God created us, God sustains us.

We, and all the resources at our disposal, belong to God. In our Covenant service we say, 'I am no longer my own but yours'.

We are part of a Connexional church. This means that we have access to a wide variety of resources (people, experience, grant funding, etc) beyond our local church and Circuit:

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism.

The Methodist Church is committed to being a growing, evangelistic, inclusive, justice-seeking Church – so that new people become disciples of Jesus Christ, faith deepens for everyone, and diverse communities and churches experience transformation.

We are part of the Global Church and community groups.

Wherever possible we should work in partnership with other churches and local community groups.

We are part of local neighbourhoods.

Knowing the people in our neighbourhood, working with them, and building relationships are critical to being part of what God is doing.

We will be radical and take Godly risks.

We give each other permission to start and stop things as seasons change.

We are disciples of Jesus – called to make more disciples – and discipleship is costly.

If we are to fulfil God's mission and commission, then this will mean each making sacrifices, but we will walk together and watch over each other in love.

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Registered Charity Number: 1134891

Contact Us
0118 958 1505

Berkshire & Hampshire Borders Circuit Office
84 Queens Road

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© 2025 – Berkshire and Hampshire Borders