The Circuit sees its role as enabling every local church to fulfil serve God's Kingdom in their own unique way.
Our driving question is: How can we best use our Circuit money, property, and people (ordained and lay) to enable Our Calling (worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism) and to become a "growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking Church"?
1) Helping churches produce and action a Discipleship and Growth Plan by providing resources and ideas to support them.
We encourage churches to 'dream God's dreams' and to not be limited in this dreaming by resources – including perceived lack of people, funding, or current buildings. Each church must decide "How will we make more disciples of Jesus Christ and grow in our own discipleship?"
2) Helping churches end well
Sometimes local churches come to a point where there is little scope or calling to new mission work. In these cases, local churches should ask the Circuit Leadership Team to assist them in developing an 'Ending Well' plan. In this way they can use their ending to leave a lasting impact on neighbourhoods and lives.
3) A Mission, Team and Gifting model of staffing
Staff will be enabled through the Mission Groups (see below) to use their gifts and grace, along with those of lay leaders, to enable mission in churches. This will not mean that churches 'lose' their named Minister with pastoral responsibility but rather that some of their time will be given to enriching other churches' mission. It is expected that this work will take up to an average of 2 sessions a week for staff, enabling them to exercise their gifts and flourish in ministry, and the churches in the Circuit to be enriched by the diverse gifting of the whole staff.
4) Expand and plant
We will explore within the Circuit where there is currently no Christian presence and release members to 'plant' as a team for mission and/or as a worshipping community.
5) Sharing our 'Good News Stories'
We will share our stories of God's Work to encourage one another in our own sharing of God's love and so we learn from each other's Godly risks.
0118 958 1505
Berkshire & Hampshire Borders Circuit Office
84 Queens Road