In their mission to proclaim the love and saving grace of Christ, the Berkshire and Hampshire Borders Methodist Circuit is committed to the care and nurture of and respectful pastoral ministry with all children, young people and adults. The Circuit Safeguarding Policy states the steps that the Circuit is making to ensure their safeguarding and protection and establishing safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is informed awareness and vigilance as to the dangers of abuse.
Each Methodist Church of the Circuit annually reviews the implementation of their safeguarding policy following the guidelines of the Methodist Church. Church Councils, supported by their Ministers, have a specific role and responsibility in creating a safe space within our churches. Churches carefully select their workers of children, young people and vulnerable adults in line with the safer recruitment principles of the Methodist Church.
Each church seeks to challenge any form of abuse in the protection and safeguarding of children, young people and adults, following statute, guidance and recognised good practice. If you have a concern, please observe the following:
Local children's services: 0300 555 1384
Local adult social care services: 0300 555 1386
Local social care out of hours services: 0300 555 1373
Police: 999 (emergency) 101 (non-emergency)
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
0118 958 1505
Berkshire & Hampshire Borders Circuit Office
84 Queens Road