There is a regular Sunday service at 10.30am. A lively Shell Group and Youth Group meet on Friday evenings during term time and every half term they combine for Friday Church.
We have a refreshment area in the church where you can enjoy Fairtrade coffee or tea and a friendly chat with our volunteers who are always ready to listen. Whether you are visiting, shopping or want someone to talk to feel free to drop in. We are currently open on a Tuesday from 10am till 12noon.
We are also open on a Saturday morning in the hall next to the church for coffee between 10am and 12noon. A warm welcome awaits you at any of these events.
Newbury's minister is Revd. Rachel Borgars.
There are a few parking spaces at the rear of the church available on a Saturday and Sunday morning and there are public car parks in Pelican Lane, Parkway and off Northcroft Lane if visiting during the week.