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Thatcham Methodist Church is located on Chapel Street (part of the A4) and very close to the town centre. There is a pedestrian crossing nearby, which is in line with access to the car park.

Sunday services are held at 10.30am and we have a Sunday School for children which, except for the first Sunday of the month when we have Alternative Worship, runs every week. In addition to Sunday Services we have a monthly cafe church on the second Friday of the month at 9.30 am. A new initiative of our church is the "Saturday Shift" (bi-monthly) where we have an alternative style of Worship with food, activities and of course music. We would love to welcome you to worship with us.

Although there is no onsite parking, there are various facilities nearby:
Kingsland Centre car park (100m): plentiful, though charging Monday-Saturday, 8.00am-6.00pm;
Adjacent streets (200m): rather limited, free;
Memorial Hall car park (500m): plentiful, though charging Monday-Saturday.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through our witness, our worship and by our practical expression of His love within the community and the world in which we serve.

We seek to fulfil this mission through:

  • Various expressions of worship open to our community -- along with traditional services, we are developing Café Church and Saturday Shift
  • Learning and caring, through Bible study meetings for reflection and fellowship.
  • Service, by being a viable presence in our community, supporting people of all ages including young families and young people by providing a safe place for them to grow through the beAt and the Well.
  • Evangelism, through working out our faith in our daily lives and supporting the outreach and social projects of this church, Churches Together in Thatcham, and the circuit.

Various expressions of worship open to our community – alongside traditional styles of worship we offer alternative forms, such as bi monthly, family centred mix of worship, music and craft activities (Saturday Shift) and a monthly gathering of a more social nature involving visiting speakers (Café Church).

© 2024 – Berkshire and Hampshire Borders