Whitchurch Methodist Church is located on Winchester Street in the heart of the town centre, and is open for personal prayer or reflection whenever possible during the week (except Wednesdays).
Sunday services are held at 10:30 am each week and are open to everyone who wishes to attend. Our Prayer Team (which is open to anyone) meets online on Mondays at 9:00 a.m. and also via a WhatsApp group. For more details please contact our Minister, the Revd Rachel Borgars by telephone 01256 895878 or by email (rachel.borgars@methodist.org.uk)
The Church is also open on Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon for refreshments and friendly chat. We support the Andover Food Bank and donations can be left in the church for collection to go to Andover.
We are active members of Churches Together in Whitchurch, with our Baptist, Church of England and Roman Catholic colleagues.
Parking is available at three public car parks, all within a short walking distance. There is some street parking after 6 pm and at weekends.
Whitchurch Methodist Church seeks to be a local Christ-centred church, maximising its position within the centre of the town. Our mission is to pray, worship and work together, supporting each other in bad times and good.
Our aim is to become a leading player within our own community and the wider world by reaching out to meet, understand, help and walk alongside people where and when possible, sharing God's love with all.
Activities organised by other organisations
The Whitchurch Toy Library is open on Wednesday mornings during term time from 10am to 11.30am.
Ladies Singing for Fun rehearses on Wednesdays during term time from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.
For further information about these groups, or to hire our hall, please contact the Property Secretary.
The current minister is the Rev'd Rachel Borgars.